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We are die hard fans of the Turbo Grafx/ PcEngine consoles. We are in the process of adding a huge amount of game music tracks for TG-16 & PCE. We have already added many music tracks. If you have suggestions let us know.
Music from the Sega Cd and Mega Cd consoles have already been added to our station. We are nowhere near finished. You can expect hundreds of Sega CD and Mega CD game music tracks to be added in the months to come. If you have suggestions let us know.
The Arcade Radio team has already added some Neo Geo CD game soundtracks to our station. We still have a lot more to add. We love the Neo Geo games and the classic music that went with these games. If you have any suggestions let us know.
We just received 156 Anime CD's. It will take some time to port them over to our station. You can expect music from Fist of the North Star, Love Hina, Gundam, Akira, Lupin, Lain, Dragon Ball Z, and many others to be added soon.
Arcade Radio is also adding PS1, PS2, Xbox and other game soundtracks to our radio playlist. We will have thousands of game and anime music soundtracks on our station. We are very excited and we hope you are as well.

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Duis eros ligula lacinia quis euismod in digni.ssim at neq. Aliquam quis conse ctetur magna. Aliqu am sed nibh condi entum ligula consequat egesta. Curabitur eget massa neque laoreet purus. Etiam id eros in dui ultricies posuereta mauris Sed accumsan placerat ultricies uis sed imperdiet eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus etne set malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut porttitor tellus id tortor consectetur eu vulputate libero vehicula.